Does Nail Polish Freeze? How To Liquify Frozen Nail Polish

Nail polish

Nail polish does not freeze. It may, however, thicken in colder weather. To liquefy the polish, place the bottle in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes before use. If your nail polish has frozen, it’s probably because it was stored in a very cold environment. Most freezing temperatures will not damage the … Read more

Is Watercolor Paint Safe For Skin? All You Need To Know

Watercolor painting supplies

Watercolor paint is safe for skin, but some people may have an allergic reaction to the paint, so it is important to be mindful of any skin irritation that may occur after painting with watercolor. If you experience any discomfort, wash the area with soap and water immediately. Overall, watercolor paint is a safe option … Read more

Why Is Silk So Expensive? Reasons That Silk Is A Luxury

Silk fabric

One reason silk is so expensive is the amount of time it takes to produce each individual strand. The process of harvesting and reeling the silk is incredibly labor-intensive and it can take up to two hours to harvest a pound of raw silk, and even longer to reel it into usable thread. This high … Read more