Painting Polymer – Step By Step Guide And Tips To Make It Look Good

When painting on polymer clay, the first thing you need to do is condition the clay. This will make it more pliable and easier to work with. Next, roll out the clay into a thin sheet.

You can use a pasta machine to help with this step. Once the clay is rolled out, use a sharp knife or cutter to cut out the shape you want.

After cutting out your shape, you will need to bake the clay in order to harden it. The baking temperature and time will vary depending on the type of clay you are using, so be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Once the clay is baked, you can begin painting it with acrylic paints. Be sure to use thin layers of paint so that it doesn’t crack or peel off.

When you are finished painting, you can seal the clay with a clear polymer varnish. This will help to protect your work and make it last longer.

With these steps in mind, you should be able to paint polymer clay successfully. Just remember to take your time, be patient, and have fun.

How to paint on polymer clay

Polymer clay is a versatile material that can be used to create a variety of different projects. We will show you how to paint on polymer clay.

This is a great way to add some color and personality to your creations.

  • Start by kneading the polymer clay until it is soft and pliable. You can use any color you like, but we recommend starting with a light base coat. This will help the colors POP later on!
  • Apply the paint in thin layers, allowing each layer to dry completely before adding the next one. Be sure to use bright and vibrant colors; they will really make your project stand out!
  • Add details and highlights using a contrasting color. This will give your project an extra bit of flair!
  • Bake the polymer clay according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Allow it to cool completely before displaying or using it in your project masterpiece.

Now that you know how to paint on polymer clay, get creative and have fun.

What paints to use on polymer clay?

There are many different types of paints that can be used on polymer clay. Acrylic paint is the most popular type, because it is easy to use and comes in a wide variety of colors.

Oil-based paints can also be used on polymer clay, but they take longer to dry and are more difficult to work with.

Some people prefer to use watercolors or pastels on polymer clay, but these mediums often produce less vibrant results than acrylic or oil-based paints.

In general, any type of paint that can be used on canvas can also be used on polymer clay.

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However, it is important to note that not all paints will adhere well to the surface of the clay.

Before painting on polymer clay, it is always a good idea to test the paint on a small piece of the clay to see how well it adheres and how the color turns out.

How to seal your paint job on polymer clay

Sealing your paint job is an important step in the polymer clay process. It helps to protect your creation from dust, dirt, and other contaminants, and it gives your work a finished look.

There are a number of ways to seal your paint job, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

We will explore four of the most popular methods for sealing polymer clay paint jobs.

Spray sealants are one of the easiest methods for sealing a paint job. They provide an even, protective coat and can be used on both painted and unpainted surfaces.

The main disadvantage of spray sealants is that they can be toxic if inhaled, so it is important to use them in a well-ventilated area.

Brush-on sealants are another easy option for sealing your paint job. They can be applied directly to the surface of your project, and they provide a good amount of protection.

However, brush-on sealants can be difficult to apply evenly, and they may not work well on very porous surfaces.

Mod Podge is a type of brush-on sealant that is specifically designed for use with decoupage projects.

It can be applied directly to the surface of your project, and it provides a good amount of protection.

However, Mod Podge can be difficult to apply evenly, and it may not work well on very porous surfaces.

Polyurethane is a clear, protective coating that can be applied to both painted and unpainted surfaces. It is available in a variety of finishes, from glossy to matte.

Polyurethane is durable and long-lasting, but it can yellow over time and it is not suitable for use on food-safe projects.

Which sealant you choose will depend on the type of project you are working on and your personal preferences.

Experiment with different types of sealants to find the one that works best for you.

Painting polymer clay tips for beginners

Polymer clay is a great medium for beginners because it is relatively easy to work with and can be used to create a wide variety of projects.

Here are some tips on how to get started painting polymer clay.

  • Choose the right paint: Not all paints are created equal, and not all paints will work well with polymer clay. You’ll want to use acrylic paint or another type of water-based paint. Oil-based paints will not work well with polymer clay, and they may even damage the surface of the clay.
  • Prep your surface: Before you start painting, you’ll need to prepare the surface of the clay. Use a sanding block or other abrasive tool to smooth out any rough patches on the surface of the clay. This will help ensure that your paint goes on smoothly and does not streak or chip later on.
  • Add a sealant: Once you’re finished painting your project, add a sealant to protect it from fading and chipping over time. A good sealant will also help keep your colors bright and vibrant for years to come.
  • Choose complementary colors: When choosing colors for your project, try to pick colors that complement each other. For example, if you’re painting a flower, you might want to choose a light green for the petals and a dark purple for the center.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques and colors. Polymer clay is a very forgiving medium, so you can always start over if you don’t like the way your project is turning out.
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Hopefully these tips will help you get started painting polymer clay.

7 colourful ideas for painting polymer clay

When it comes to polymer clay, there are endless possibilities for creativity. You can mix and match colours to create any effect you like, or you can use different techniques to achieve a wide variety of textures.

We will explore seven different ways to add some extra pizzazz to your polymer clay creations.

Paint with acrylics

Acrylic paint is a great way to add some colour to your polymer clay creations. You can use any type of acrylic paint, but you will need to make sure that it is compatible with the type of clay you are using.

You can usually find this information on the label of the clay or the paint. To apply the paint, simply use a brush or sponge to dab it onto the surface of the clay.

If you want to create a marbled effect, you can mix two or more colours together before applying them to the clay.

Use alcohol inks

Alcohol inks are another great way to add colour to polymer clay. They can be applied directly to the surface of the clay, or you can use them to tint clear clay.

To use alcohol inks, simply dab them onto the surface of the clay with a brush or sponge.

You can also use a straw to blow the ink onto the clay if you want to create a splatter effect.

Use mica powders

Mica powders are perfect for adding a touch of shimmer to your polymer clay creations.

They can be mixed with any type of paint or used on their own. To apply mica powder, simply sprinkle it onto the surface of the clay.

You can also use a brush or sponge to apply it, but be sure to tap off any excess before applying it to the clay so that it doesn’t become too dense.

Use oil paints

Oil paints can be used to create a wide variety of effects on polymer clay. You can use them to create a marbled effect, or you can use them to add some depth and dimension to your creations.

To use oil paints, simply apply them to the surface of the clay with a brush or sponge.

If you want to create a marbled effect, you can mix two or more colours together before applying them to the clay.

Use watercolors

Watercolors are another great way to add colour to polymer clay. They can be used to create a wide variety of effects, from subtle washes of color to bold and vibrant designs.

To use watercolors, simply apply them to the surface of the clay with a brush or sponge.

If you want to create a marbled effect, you can mix two or more colours together before applying them to the clay.

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Use inks

Inks are perfect for adding bold and vibrant colours to polymer clay. They can be applied directly to the surface of the clay, or you can use them to tint clear clay.

To use inks, simply dab them onto the surface of the clay with a brush or sponge. You can also use a straw to blow the ink onto the clay if you want to create a splatter effect.

Use markers

Markers are another great way to add colour to polymer clay. They can be used to create a wide variety of effects, from subtle shading to bold and vibrant designs.

To use markers, simply colour directly onto the surface of the clay. You can also use them to tint clear clay.

With these seven methods, you can add any type of colour you want to your polymer clay creations. So get creative and see what you can come up with.

How to add texture to your polymer clay creations

Adding texture to your polymer clay creation can add a lot of interest and visual appeal. We will show you two different ways to add texture: using stamps and using a pasta machine.


You can use any type of stamp to create texture on your polymer clay paintings. Just make sure that the stamp is made from a material that won’t stick to the clay, such as rubber or foam.

You can find stamps at most craft stores.

To use a stamp, simply press it into the wet clay and then remove it. You will see the impression of the stamp in the clay.

If you want to make multiple impressions with one stamp, just re-wet the stamp and press it into the clay again.

Pasta Machine:

Another way to add texture to your paintings is by using a pasta machine. This method is especially useful for adding patterns or textures that are too difficult to stamp by hand.

Simply roll out a sheet of polymer clay on the pasta machine and then run it through the die of your choice. Be sure to dust off any excess flour before you start painting.

5 fun ways to use acrylic paints with polymer clay

Polymer clay is a versatile material that can be used in a variety of ways.

Here we will explore five fun ways to use acrylic paints with polymer clay.

  • One way to use acrylic paints with polymer clay is by painting the polymer clay itself. This can be done before or after the clay has been baked. If you paint it before baking, make sure the paint is completely dry before putting it in the oven. If you paint it after baking, wait until the paint is completely dry before using it.
  • Another way to use acrylic paints with polymer clay is by adding them to your clayshaping recipes. This will give your creations a colorful and vibrant look.
  • You can also use acrylic paints as glazes on top of baked polymer clay pieces. This will give them a glossy finish and add extra protection against scratches and fading.
  • Acrylic paints can also be mixed with other mediums such as varnish, wax or oil to create different effects when used with polymer clay. For example, if you mix them with varnish, they will become more durable once they are cured. If you mix them with wax, they will become less shiny. And if you mix them with oil, they will become more flexible.
  • Finally, you can use acrylic paints to decorate your work area or tools. This will help keep your tools and workspace clean and organized.

These are just a few of the many ways you can use acrylic paints with polymer clay. Experiment and have fun.